6 Marks of an Effective Fitness Challenge

Challenge Yourself by Steph Beth Nickel Whether you’re new to exercise or a professional athlete, you must challenge yourself physically if you want to see positive results. A couple of months ago, I agreed to be a young lady’s accountability … Continue reading

Quick tips #5 on Bible study, Eating healthy, Exercise and Prayer

4 Key Habits of Healthy Living to become Fit for Faith In past posts, I’ve introduced you to habit(s) that saved my life and the acronym B.E.E.P. It stands for Bible study, Eating Healthy, Exercise, and Prayer. As an experienced … Continue reading

4 Key Habits to Set your Life on Track – Eating Healthy

4 Key Habits to Set your Health on Track – Eating Healthy The four key habits to set your health on track, or BEEP, include Bible Study, Eating Healthy, Exercise, and Prayer. I’ve put together a short video to introduce you … Continue reading