Is a Cardinal a Sign From a Loved One?

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And other superstitions surrounding death

“Is that bird Talia?” my great-nephew asked.

“No, no. The pretty red cardinal symbolizes her saying hello from heaven,” I explained.

He scrunched up his nose and raised an eyebrow. But when I went to try and explain further, he had already turned his attention back to his little brother.

His question came on the heels of my mother’s exclamation upon seeing a cardinal at her feeder, “Oh, look, Talia is visiting.”

The superstition claims when you see a cardinal it is a sign from heaven. The bird represents a loved one who has passed and when you see one, it means the loved one is visiting you. This belief has been part of ancient Egyptian, Celtic, and Hindu spiritualism, as well as the lore of many Native American tribes.

The cardinal is a beautiful bird that stands out with its bright, bold red colour. They are also melodic songbirds. I can see why people would like to associate this bird with their loved ones.

There are people all over the world who believe when a loved one passes, they are still able to watch over and guide us.

I’ve heard stories of people sensing a smell of food or perfume that reminds them of lost loved ones. Others have experienced goosebumps or tingles. Still, others have found pennies or dimes.

My friend told me a story about lots and lots of butterflies flitting around when her mom passed away. She has a butterfly tattoo on her forearm in honour of her dear mother.

As an avid dreamer, I’ve had visits from my best friend in the night. I especially love these dreams as I get to “see” her once again.

However, as a Christian, I don’t profess to believe these superstitions to be true. I think that a dream is just a dream. A bird is just a bird. A found penny is well, you get the idea.

But they can be comforting.

It’s comforting to associate this lovely bird with my granddaughter. Talia had a slightly reddish hue to her wisps of hair. When I see a cardinal, it’s a welcome reason to talk about her with others.

I will continue to think about and remember my granddaughter every time I see a cardinal.

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If you like stories that offer a glimmer of hope then you’ll love this book of reflections that will offer comfort in times of sorrow. Buy Until Heaven: Reflections of Hope Amidst the Grief to help you grieve with hope today!

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