It’s That Time of Year Again

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It's That Time of Year Again

Photo by Brigi Uhrin on Unsplash

The night I faced my worst imaginable fear

I’ve never really liked November. The colourful leaves have dropped, and the sun has lost its warmth.

My best friend from university died in a car crash in November.

My granddaughter of 7 months died of SIDS in November.

That day was just 2 years ago.

It is etched in my memory.

I got the call at work. Actually, I got two calls—one from my neighbour and the other from my husband.

Both told me I had to get home immediately.

My neighbour explained that something serious had happened to my granddaughter. He did not want to give details.

“Tell me!” I ordered.

“Your granddaughter has passed away.”

My legs went limp.

My husband picked me up from work, afraid that I would not be able to drive the 35 minutes home on my own.

He drove like a madman. It was the longest drive of my life.

I pray to God and He gives me peace beyond understanding. He reminds me that I will once again see her in heaven. He gives me hope.

If you like stories that offer a glimmer of hope then you’ll love this book of reflections that will offer comfort in times of sorrow. Buy Until Heaven: Reflections of Hope Amidst the Grief to help you grieve with hope today!

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1 thought on “It’s That Time of Year Again

  1. Pingback: Why November Reminds Me of the Book of Ecclesiastes - Kimberley J. PayneKimberley J. Payne

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