When Is God With Us?

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Thumb down silhouette by Piotr Siedlecki

Thumb down silhouette by Piotr Siedlecki

 When Is God With Us?

I believe that God reveals Himself during our difficult times.

When I was dealing with a devastating loss it was not until I had exhausted all my resources that I finally turned to God. I am convinced that I would not have formed the personal relationship I have with Him today unless I had experienced this hardship.

However, God doesn’t just reveal Himself during these times. I have learned that He is with me at all times–good and bad. Although I didn’t tend to look for Him during the good times, I had heard His call but chose to ignore it. When things were good, I relied on my own strength and walked through my days on autopilot. 

I finally paid attention when I had no other choice.

It really is sad that I waited until I was in a desperate position before I focused on God. When tough times hit, I realized my strength was really not that strong and I lifted my head to the heavens and cried out for help.

Only when my heart was bruised and beaten did I listen more intently to His Word.

I learned that I needed to be receptive in the good times as well as the bad. When I listened for Him in the good times than the bad times didn’t feel so lonely. I knew that He was with me and I could lean on Him right away without first floundering around helplessly.

I’m assuming that I’m not alone in my egocentric view–that other people, like me, just work through the hour, the day, the week, the year without so much as a glance upwards. But when the car veers out of control or we’re standing beside a loved one in the hospital–this is when we cry upward to God for help.

Perhaps God is telling us not to wait. He is with us at all times–the good and the bad. We should focus our energy on Him. If we spent time each day in prayer, really getting to know God, we would be much more at peace. 

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33 NIV).



God is with us at all times–good and bad. (tweet this)


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