4 Reasons an E-Bike was the Best Purchase I’ve Ever Made

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Photo by KBO Bike on Unsplash

When my granddaughter was first born, I bought a bike carrier* to pull her along behind me as I biked the streets. It worked great…in theory.

I live in the country and there are many, many rolling hills. It was too exhausting to bike around the neighbourhood roads with her in tow.

But this summer I bought an electric bike*. Although the carrier is older now, it’s still in good condition because it sat in storage all these years.

Now, at age 4, Sophia can enjoy a ride through the countryside and I don’t tire as much because of the electric assist.

What gave me the idea to buy the e-bike? My 80-year-old parents!

Actually, it was my Dutch sister-in-law who started the trend. She returned from a trip to the Netherlands where she rode an e-bike every day for three weeks. She thought it would be wonderful to continue this habit in Canada.

This tweaked my parents’ interest and they started to look into purchasing a set of bikes for themselves.

But they are not cheap. And my dad is. Not to dishonour my father but his Dutch roots run deep. He must be completely convinced that the benefits outweigh the costs before he shells out cold hard cash for something.

It took lots of research, and a few years, before Dad conceded and bought Mom an e-bike.

Mom immediately took to it and loved the ability to go many more miles. However, this left Dad sitting on the sidelines, unable to keep up in speed or distance.

He ordered his own e-bike.

Now they are able to ride every day if they so wish. And most days, they do.

But this left me on the sidelines. Many weekends, I would join my parents for long rides along the rail trails surrounding our homes. However, my parents now rode at an average speed of 20 km/hr (12.5 miles/hour) and I felt most comfortable around 15 km/hr (9 miles/hour). I could no longer keep up with them nor go as far as they wanted to ride.

I ordered my own e-bike. And I urged my hubby to order one for himself.

I received my bike in June. In 2 months, I have ridden 1300 km (807 miles) along the back roads of the countryside, on trails in the city, and on rail trails around our home.

To say I love it is an understatement.

I’ve always enjoyed biking — ever since my parents gave my brother and I our first silver ten-speeds on Christmas day in 1978.

But now I absolutely love biking! These are my reasons the e-bike was the best purchase I ever made:

  1. Generational Bike Riding

As I said above, I can now ride with my 4-year-old granddaughter and keep up with my 80-year-old parents. I can spend time with my family doing a healthy and entertaining activity.

An e-bike allows for a much easier ride to pull a bike carrier, especially up and over country hills.

2. Weather Resistant

The summers here in Canada can be hot. Especially in the month of August which is typically hot, hazy, and humid.

To walk or play any sports in this weather is not enjoyable because of the stickiness and moisture in the air. However, to bike is divine.

An e-bike allows for a faster ride — more wind — without the extra effort. Biking is the only activity I truly enjoy on these blistering days.

3. Spousal Company

My hubby has a knee injury that is aggravated by bike riding. In the past, I had to ride the roads solo as it was too painful for him to join me.

But now we go out for an hour ride every evening. The electric-assist allows him to pedal without too much resistance.

An e-bike allows for easier pedaling without the pressure to the knee joint.

4. Health Benefits

Now that I don’t have to think about if I have the energy to go for a bike ride, I follow Nike’s motto and just do it.

If I’m feeling tired from a long day of work, I have the option to use more of the electric assist.

Even if I use full assist and put my bike on “cruise”, I am still outdoors enjoying the countryside and profiting from the health benefits of nature.

I especially enjoyed the day trip that my parents, brother and sister-in-law, hubby, and myself took bike riding together. It’s a memory I will always treasure.

If you are looking for a way to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine, I highly recommend investing in an e-bike.

Ride on!

*Affiliate link — if you buy something through one of these links, you won’t pay a penny more but I will get a small commission.

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1 thought on “4 Reasons an E-Bike was the Best Purchase I’ve Ever Made

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