Does God Hear Our Prayers?

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My son asked, “Mommy, can I watch a movie?

I replied, “Yes, in ten minutes.”

His response started out as mild whining and then escalated into a full temper tantrum because he had to wait ten whole minutes. These 10 minutes may have felt like a very long time for a child, but not the parent.

Just as we ask for our prayers to be answered immediately God may indeed be saying, “Yes, but there is unfinished business that needs to be taken care of first.” However, we assume that since our prayer isn’t answered right away, God has said, “No” or maybe He didn’t even hear our prayer.

My son may not have understood why I asked him to wait ten minutes but I knew that I had to finish peeling potatoes for his dinner that evening, and if I didn’t do it then it may not have been done. I asked him to wait for his movie in order for him to have a nutritious dinner later. I knew the reason and that was good enough.

We should expect the same when we pray to God. Know that He knows best and He has the best timing. And many times His answer is, “Yes, but wait”. So instead of becoming impatient and trying to handle things in our own strength, we should live in the knowledge that God has heard our prayer and leave it up to Him to answer in His awesome time.

Instead of being happy that he would eventually get a movie my son pouted about when he would get what he had asked for.

How many times do we pout about God’s timing instead of being grateful for what we do get?

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him (Isaiah 30:18 NIV).


Do you believe that God hears your prayers?

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