Why I Don’t Exercise to Lose Weight

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 don't exercise

Why I Don’t Exercise to Lose Weight

As I stuffed yet another goodie into my mouth, I thought it was okay because I’d walked for an hour and lifted weights earlier that day.  I could justify any binge eating thinking that I could just workout later and burn the calories I’d just inhaled.

But as the numbers continued to creep up on the scale, I would feel discouraged wondering why I continued to gain weight even when I was working out so hard.

In the summertime, I would bike for hours. In the fall, I’d hike for hours. Yet even though my exercise routine was strong, I didn’t look like I felt I really should. I was still 25 pounds overweight.

The frustration and discouragement continued for years. Then my friend introduced me to a movie that said the opposite of what I had been taught – and what I’d been teaching others – all these years. I’d learned that if calories in were greater than calories out, you’d lose weight. However, I’ve since discovered that not all calories are created equal.

Foods that have high glycemic indexes (like potatoes and pasta) effect your body differently than other foods and are stored as fat instead of burned for energy.

And the real enemy is sugar. Refined sugar found in so many products wreaks havoc on your body.

No matter how many hours you exercise, if your diet is full of high glycemic foods and white sugar you will continue to gain weight. (tweet this)

So I made a significant change and decided to exercise for fun, not weight loss. I walk with my friend around the neighbourhood and enjoy her companionship. I bike along the lake shore and enjoy the beauty of nature. I haven’t used my Stairmaster in months because truthfully it wasn’t a lot of fun for me. I’d much rather play basketball in my driveway, kayak with my mother, and hike in the woods with my camera.

I know that exercise is great for my lungs, my heart, and my mood but I no longer exercise with the goal to lose weight.

 Have you learned any truths that changed your attitude about health or fitness?


BEEP – Believing that exercise is to the body what prayer is to the spirit and healthy eating is to the body what bible study is to the spirit.

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